Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jeanne turnded 60!... (and Sean got a haircut.)

Well, it wasn't the surprise it was supposed to be, but the Garvey clan was all reunited to celebrate my mom turning the big 6-0. Katie and I flew in to be with mom on her big day. There were nails done and naps taken, and a delicious dinner at the country club to cap it all off. We all toasted mom, much to her delight (I think she might have even relished all the tears shed... and there were QUITE a few what with 3 very pregnant women there!) Needless to say, much fun was had by all. Just sad that my better halves were not there to join in the festivities. I know the cousins greatly missed out on James and Sean bonding time as those Boston kids are forming quite the bond.
On a separate and much lesser note- the mullet is gone. Corey and I realized after seeing some pictures taken by friends, that we had been turning the ever-present parental "blind-eye" to the fact that Sean's loose curls in the back were getting a LITTLE long, and the top wasn't catching up. SO, after a few weeks of Corey's prodding, we sat the kid down in the now too small excersaucer and with Wow Wow Wubzy going in front of him, I chopped off all that hair in back of him! Thank goodness, though, my biggest fear has been put to rest, the curls have remained! Looks like he, too, will get his dad's hair.

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