Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Bella

just past midnight on february 19th came isabella clare romero- 9lbs 5oz with THICK black hair, a dimple on her chin, and beautiful squinty eyes. katie did another fabulous delivery, and the whole family is doing well now (though my mom is off her feet, sick as a dog in their apartment... i guess michael is busier than he was expecting with the other 4 ladies in the place!!!) i was able to head up friday with jeanne to go meet the new wee one, and after many obstacles to finally get to the hospital, i was then told that i couldn't go upstairs to see bear with jeanne since she was under 12 months old and hadn't yet received all her immunizations! SAY WHAT?! so, after michael, my mom and i schemed a bit, we ended up all splitting up in an elaborate covert op where michael managed to smuggle her in incognito, and i followed in shortly thereafter. my mom got denied access to katie's floor from the elevator and someone suggested that might be because someone was trying to steal a baby... man did she have a guilty look on her face when we finally all met up in katie's room! to quote michael, "that was fun! being bad sure does feel good." we did manage to hang out in the room all day. bella was such a trooper, and though only 2 days old at the time, i was amazed at how good she seemed. after watching baby mama with my mama and the new mama and the girls that made her and me mamas, jeanne and i hit the road back home...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let's see...

it's been a little while. we've been hanging in there. crazy weather as usual and we've been trying to take advantage of it all- sledding in the snow, playing in the mud in the sun, just trying to be sure to get out of the house. cabin fever is definitely setting in. the boys have also been taking swim lessons once a week with miss meg and thoroughly loving it AND improving (good combination!) there's some good (albeit foggy) video footage if you double click on the picasa slideshow link. hope you all have been staying well. we miss you all.