Tuesday, May 26, 2009

and more...

here's some family pix from the past couple weeks...

cinqo de mayo

in honor of our new taco, we decided to celebrate cinqo de mayo this year. we had great weather, good friends, and lots of fun. we broke into a mexican monster truck pinata, and we even broke out the 18 year old brunello! it was worth the wait.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

naked jeanners!

so, we took jeanne to get mom cressy's 7 month naked baby pix (she's got 'em of all her grandkids!) they were pretty cute! scott, the photographer, even used her to show off some new props he'd just got in. if you happen to got to granger ob/gyn you may very well see a big photo of my lil girl in your exam room! may just make you wanna make more babies! here's a link to scott's proofs:
or if that doesn't work go to http://www.valentinosphoto.com/home.html, click on "Session Proofing" and enter the ID "Cressy".
Don't worry, dad, it's really quite simple- and, no, you don't have to sign up for anything or enter any email addresses or credit card numbers- it's well worth it to see your electronical jeanners in all her fat delicious glory.

Friday, May 1, 2009

cherry beach

so we hit 80 degrees here quite early (global warming?) and had to take advantage of it by hitting the beach. we were so lucky to have it all to ourselves for the majority of the day and everyone had an amazing time. sean was wary of the sand sensation at first and it looked like the day might be over before it began, but we managed to warm him up to the idea of being barefoot. hooray!

easter etc.

we had such a lovely easter week, complete as always with the romeros. and this year we actually had some decent weather!!! no snowy easter egg hunt photos this time around!