it is nearly winter (in fact i am writing this while enjoying the view of our snow covered yard... and to think last time i wrote it was sunny and warm!) but we are soaking up the remaining fall time while it's here. after the leaves were raked up, we decided to go have a jump. it was cold and somewhat wet (not a great combination especially for frolicing in the leaf pile) but james certainly was unaware and having a blast. sean... well, we walked through the leaves hand-in-hand once or twice, but he didn't seem to enjoy it when i laid him down in them... oh well, maybe next year. seriously though, no sooner did we get our group shot in the leaves, then the leaf picker-upper came by while we were out! so, we climbed the tree and had front row seats for watching the giant leaf vacuum in action.
i have also captured some more luscious photos of my princess phatty. she is quite the cheerful chubster. james and sean are quickly becoming her favorite entertainment, and they love having an easy laughing audience. she is getting a loud voice, which i hope you can witness on the picasa videos (you'll have to double click on the slideshow to find the movies i made.)
oh! and our eldest is really growing up. he has a girlfriend!!! james and isabel are as close as they come (said his teacher at his PT conference.) i was lucky enough to witness them in action as they played in the snow on the playground (again, you simply MUST check out the videos on picasa!)