(to my sibs- you should read the title as if it were the rat from charlotte's web when he returns from pillaging the circus grounds and his stomach makes that hysterically gross sound as he slides over the gate to charlotte's pen...)
hello all!! i am back. hyperemesis proved a tough challenger, but i do believe i came out victorious. thanks again, mom, for all your support and tlc. as much as i chastised you for those websites, your research on the subject made me feel much better knowing there were others going through what i was going through (it wasn't all in my head!) i am so happy to be once again behind the camera and able to capture my boys' life. i can NOT believe i don't have 1 picture to prove their growth and existence for an entire 2 months of their short lives!!! oh well, so long january and february 2007.
i hope you all can read my pink text. it is in honor of the wee lass in me belly! we have 2 ultrasound confirmations that it really is a girl we will be having come 8-8-08 (though corey and i still somehow manage a bit of doubt!) we have named her Jeanne Kiernan Cressy (pronounced "jean" for all you freaks.. ahem, mccurdy... who think it should be pronounced "jee-anne") and are anxiously awaiting her arrival.
i promise to get back to posting much more frequently. here are just a few pix of easter weekend when katie, michael, and claud came to visit. hope all is well with all of you. can't wait to get back into the swing of things and communicating again!