so, thanksgiving has come and gone, and boy are we thankful! we are so blessed, a simple meal of thanks hardly seems adequate (although, mom cressy made sure it was no "simple" meal! what a feast! and forty people to feed, too! way to go, mom and dad cressy!) the annual bingo tradition was a great end to a great day. i was in charge of the prize bags and ordered geodes for adding to all the bags. i think people were a little confused after unrolling the tissue paper only to find... a rock. but I thought it would be a fun new tradition to head out to the driveway and hit rocks with hammers! who's with me?! apparently only lauren shared my enthusiasm. thanks, lauren. i ALWAYS wanted those dang crystals as a kid, and i finally got my chance! it was also a crazy night of every family trying to organize their own family christmas card photo shot. now THAT was entertainment! the next day aunt mary lou and uncle ray organized a family bowling night (hopefully another new tradition?) the night had a surprising favorite fan- james! that kid lost to kim by only a couple points! (sorry, kim, i had to brag...)
i'm also attaching a couple pix of james at the pet store. turns out he's also a fan of puppies... hint, hint, corey! james, sean, and i led the shop owner on as if we were really interested in purchasing a dog, and were allowed to go into a special room to play with said puppy. james definitely shared the little jack russell's enthusiasm! sean... well, he kinda just stood in the corner and freaked. but, james and i had a blast! ahhh... i can still smell that puppy smell...